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There aren't any shamans in Pokemon...I think...shamans are too weird and obscure and stuff.

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Q: How can you get shaman in Pokemon pearl?
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Where is shaman in pokemon pearl?

when you complete the national dex, a new place will open up to the right on the map and on the island there... you will find shaymin

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well as of now is Pokemon diamond/pearl there is shaman... if u give him graceidia flowers he evolves to sky shaman so yah there is that :D oh and PS i have a AR and you cant get sky shaman with a non legit shaman trust me i know T_T ......... thay might do something more like what youre saying i wanted that to i would have to be morepowerfull and all so yah it would pwn :D ..... that may come soon but as of now its a ?_@_O>L?w^^WsP???

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you can not get shamen on soul silver

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What does Shaman look like in Pokemon Diamond?

it looks like a bush