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first you have to be able to go to blackthorn city - then you fly to goldenrod city and visit the radio tower - team rocket will be there you have to defeat them and get the director (afterwards) - then you will need to fly to blackthorn city, you will then be able to go into the gym beat the gym and then go into dragons den answer the guys quiz then Clair will appear then go out and she will come running and give you the badge. DONE!

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Q: How can you get inside the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City Pokemon Crystal?
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Where is the 8th badge in Pokemon Crystal?

It looks like it was a typo and you meant "crystal" in which case, once you get to blackthorn city and defeat Claire, you must go to the dragons den which is a short surf behind the gym. Once inside surf down and to the left until you see a whirlpool. Use whirlpool and keep going until you get to a building. Go inside and talk to the man at the back of the room. If you answer his questions correctly, Claire will walk up and give you the 8th badge.

How do you get back old moves on Pokemon HeartGold?

Inside a house at Blackthorn City you'll find the move re-learner man

How do you get the Dratini in the Dragon's Den in Pokemon?

In Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Heart Gold, and Pokemon Soul Silver, you can obtain a free Dratini in the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City after defeating Clair, the Gym Leader of Blackthorn who uses Dragon-types. There is a building inside the Den where you will find a small group of elders. The head elder will ask you questions if you approach him; after they are answered, he will give you a Dratini with no strings attached. It will know Thunder Wave, Twister, and Dragon Rage. One more thing: if you answer the elder's questions with compassionate responses, your Dratini will know Extremespeed as its fourth move. If not, its fourth move will be Leer.

Where do you get earthquake TM in Pokemon Crystal?

You find the TM Earthquake inside Victory Road.

How do you teach Blaziken blast burn in Pokemon soulsilver?

Go to Blackthorn City and go inside the house right next to the Pokemart. Talk to the old man and he will teach your Blaziken Blast Burn, but only if it has full happiness.

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i think he goes to blackthorn, and inside dragons den, after that you can challenge him before entering the Pokemon league

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walk through the door

Where is the 8th badge in Pokemon Crystal?

It looks like it was a typo and you meant "crystal" in which case, once you get to blackthorn city and defeat Claire, you must go to the dragons den which is a short surf behind the gym. Once inside surf down and to the left until you see a whirlpool. Use whirlpool and keep going until you get to a building. Go inside and talk to the man at the back of the room. If you answer his questions correctly, Claire will walk up and give you the 8th badge.

Where is the dragon master in Pokemon Crystal?

Behind the Blackthorn city gym there is a cave called dragons den. surf down, make a left, and surf down again until you reach a whirlpool. After passing the whirlpool make a right and you will see a house at the end of the dragons den. Go inside the house and meet the dragon master. Remember that this set of events only occurs after you have beaten Clair.

How do you get Inside the 8 gym in Pokemon Crystal?

You must beat team rocket at the goldenrod radio tower after you battle them with Lance, and save the director by going underground in goldenrod. Then return to blackthorn and you should be able to get inside. Claire's Pokemon are as follows: Dragonaire L:37 Dragonaire L:37 Dragonaire L:37 Kingdra L:40

How do you get back old moves on Pokemon HeartGold?

Inside a house at Blackthorn City you'll find the move re-learner man

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In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain a Metal Coat by talking to the man inside the Pokemon center in Olivine City. He will give it to you as a gift.

How do you get to the drangon dens in Pokemon Silver?

You need to take a Pokemon with you that knows the move 'Whirlpool' and 'Surf' then you have to surf around the side of the Shrine and use Whirlpool, then continue surfing and go through the doors into the Shrine Hope This Helped DidYouKnowImStupid Sources: The Game

How do you get the Dratini in the Dragon's Den in Pokemon?

In Pokemon Gold, Pokemon Silver, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon Heart Gold, and Pokemon Soul Silver, you can obtain a free Dratini in the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City after defeating Clair, the Gym Leader of Blackthorn who uses Dragon-types. There is a building inside the Den where you will find a small group of elders. The head elder will ask you questions if you approach him; after they are answered, he will give you a Dratini with no strings attached. It will know Thunder Wave, Twister, and Dragon Rage. One more thing: if you answer the elder's questions with compassionate responses, your Dratini will know Extremespeed as its fourth move. If not, its fourth move will be Leer.

What is the action replay code that lets you remove HM moves?

Just go to Blackthorn City, there's a house by the Pokemon Center with a man inside who can make your Pokemon forget any move.

How do you get in the dragons den in Pokemon Silver?

i must say your Pokemon have to know the moves whirlpool and surf. you have to have defeated the blackthorn city gym leader first apparently. it is really easy and the traniers inside have only dragon Pokemon such as dratini, dragonair and kingdra. i hope this helps you and spread the news about me, RR14!

Where do you get earthquake TM in Pokemon Crystal?

You find the TM Earthquake inside Victory Road.