You get free ac from ballyhoo. You view a certain amount of adverts a day and every time you watch one, you get a minimum gift of 500 gold, you can also receive ac, usually 5 at a time randomly. If you continually go to ballyhoo every day, you can save them up for armours, pets, weapons, helms ect
You can't..
You only have two choices, ballyhoo, or AExtras.
The only way to legally obtain AC in AQW is by completing surveys in AEXtras. At rare occasions, Artix Entertainment have a contest in which you might get AC.
Helping Wolfwing would give you free membership and destroying him would give you 100,000 AC'S.
You can't..
You only have two choices, ballyhoo, or AExtras.
The only way to legally obtain AC in AQW is by completing surveys in AEXtras. At rare occasions, Artix Entertainment have a contest in which you might get AC.
either by downloading the aqw toolbar, get aqw membership,or buy ac coins with real money
You can't.
Helping Wolfwing would give you free membership and destroying him would give you 100,000 AC'S.
how to get ac in aqw
there is no way to get ac item from a moster/boss you have to buy
Click the on the bag key.