You cant, unless you have a action reply chip. So get some money and buy it. You can get shinies in Soul Silver. Just not Mew. ( Excluding the Mew event, which you'd have to be REALLY lucky to get a shiny Mew there.)
i want to trade a shiny for mew
there is a mew in Pokemon soulsilver but you need to catch all leadndery Pokemon including event Pokemon
To tell a shiny from a normal well... first a shiny will have a sparkle in battle and it is a brighter different colour then the original pokemon Example mew is pink shiny mew is blue.
it is 12068AC6-00004600
No, the egg will not be shiny. However, it is possible that the egg will hatch into a shiny Pokemon, but the chances of getting a shiny Pokemon from the egg are not any higher than they would be if the ditto were not shiny.
i want to trade a shiny for mew
You cannot get Mew through normal game play on Pokemon SoulSilver.
there is a mew in Pokemon soulsilver but you need to catch all leadndery Pokemon including event Pokemon
blue mew is a shiny version of mew so you have to be very lucky to catch a shiny Pokemon let alone a shiny mew
There is no such thing as mew three
No mew and mewtwo are two different pokemon.
Yes you can if you have Mew in your Pokemon SoulSilver/HeartGold You can put Mew in the Pokewalker.
you can t find it. only mew two
To tell a shiny from a normal well... first a shiny will have a sparkle in battle and it is a brighter different colour then the original pokemon Example mew is pink shiny mew is blue.
you can't
Nintendo event