Great balls can be purchase at some pokemarts here's some: celadon city dept store, fuschia city pokemart, saffron city pokemart, cinnabar island pokemart and at the two island outside mart.
you find it in the cerluean gym.You have to use surf to the back left corner of the gym.then you have use a super rod 6 times and you have to have a great ball.
Energy ball is not in leaf green. Only in diamond/pearl and every game after that
A Smoke Ball is an in-battle effect item that allows certain escape from wild Pokemon. In FireRed/LeafGreen, Smoke Balls can be bought at the Celadon City Game Corner for 800 coins.
It can be purchased for 4500 coins in the gamestore in Celadon City.
there is no master ball in diamond and also great ball. but there is silver ball-silver ball is like a master ball.
yes you can!
because of its title
Master Ball
somewhere in the game
You can't get the light ball leaf green or fire red.
Only one
use a master ball on it
Try to get a ultra ball
No unless you have a game shark
you cant. the trainer will block the ball.
u cant
There is only one