You can get a Cyndaquil without trading only by transfering it from a GBA Pokemon Game onto your Pokemon Diamond Version.
In Diamond & Pearl? Impossible without migrating, trading, or Action Replaying.
no! SOS
You can use a Cyndaquil as a starter Pokemon in heart gold, soul silver, gold, silver, crystal and diamond pearl platinum.
The only other way to catch it is to cheat.
By trading the other starters with other players of Diamond or Pearl.
It is one of the first 3 Pokemon you can choose, that is the only way to get it without trading
Cyndaquil can only be obtained by migrating it, or by cheating or hacking.
In Diamond & Pearl? Impossible without migrating, trading, or Action Replaying.
i love cyndaquil and yes cyndaquil is in it by migration which i hate
You cannot find Cyndaquil in Pokemon Diamond so to get one, you will either have to migrate it or trade it from somebody
You can find Cyndaquil at Mount Stark on Pokemon Diamond.
Route 222
no you can't you have to either trade or gameshark cheats :P
Cheating, hacking, or trading.
if u want a cyndaquil u have to migrate it from a diffrent region
no! SOS