A/S-TEC Pegasus or DarkNite.
Heishin will also give you megamorph, but it is extremely rare from him.
Note: A/S-TEC wins are by making the duel last as long as possible, so the opponent has little or no cards left in his deck (you automatically win if your opponent runs out of cards)
Get A or S-TEC against Pegasus. You can do this by making the duel last as long as possible (make him have as few cards as possible in his deck)
You Dont
Grinding. Need the grinding.
you need under 6100 to 3500
Free Duel Jono or Simon Muran, you'll need to get an S/A POW.
Get A or S-TEC against Pegasus. You can do this by making the duel last as long as possible (make him have as few cards as possible in his deck)
You will need cards like Meteor B. Dragon, and use equips like Megamorph for your weaker cards. Heishin's strongest cards both have 3500 ATK, if you can match that then you should be able to beat him. S-TEC Pegasus for Megamorph, and S-POW Meadow Mage for Meteor B. Dragon.
No unfortunatly.
In Yugioh Forbidden Memories, to summon ritual monsters you need to use the ritual card when you have the three required monsters on the field.
No you can not
You Dont
Grinding. Need the grinding.
The Giver is forbidden to share the memories of the past with his spouse or anyone else in the community. These memories contain emotions and experiences that the community has chosen to erase in order to maintain stability and control.
you need under 6100 to 3500
Yes in to boulder tortoise.