Go to Safari Zone, near the secret house(the one who give you surf)there is a golden tooth on the ground,go and get it .Give it to warden,he will give you a HM Strength.Done!!!!!!!!!!!!
Use the HM move Strength.
There Are Only 7 HM's In Pokemon Firered. Hm01- Cut Hm02- Fly Hm03- Surf Hm04- Strength Hm05- Flash Hm06- Rock Smash Hm07- Waterfall
In Pokémon FireRed, for defeating Brock, his Badge will allow you the use of the Flash HM, Misty's Badge will allow you to use the Cut HM, Lt. Surge's Badge will allow you the use of the Fly HM, Erika's Badge will allow you the use of the Strength HM and Koga's Badge will allow you the use of the Surf HM.
The Safari warden in Fuschia City will give it to you after you find his Gold Teeth in the Safari Zone.
You do not need Hm strength in order to solve the in-game puzzle near island one, two and three.
you get the HM strength
Either by using the HM Strength or by using the HM Rock Smash
You need to learn the HM strength.
Use the HM move Strength.
Go to the safari then find this fake teeth thing, then go to wardens house and give it to him then he will give you hm strength
The warden in fushcia city has the HM Strength he gives it to you if you give him his gold teeth.
There Are Only 7 HM's In Pokemon Firered. Hm01- Cut Hm02- Fly Hm03- Surf Hm04- Strength Hm05- Flash Hm06- Rock Smash Hm07- Waterfall
Their are 7 HM's available in Firered.
The short answer is no. There is no Dive, HM 08, in Pokemon FireRed.
Find the Gold teeth in the safari zone. Go talk to the Warden (right of the Pokemon Center) and he will give you hm 04- strength.
first you have to find the wardens false teeth in the safari zone then take them to the warden he will reward you with hm strength
get the warden's golden teeth in fuschia city. they are somewhere in the safari zone. once you have them, go to the warden's house, he will give you strength