In the safari zone in Fusia city or on route 3 in the midlle of pewter city and mt-moon but it is really hard to find a nidoran(male) i found a nidoran on route 3 but i killed it so get a Pokemon that will help you
after beating the Pokemon league, getting the national-dex, beating jhoto, beating kanto, and sighting all the Pokemon in the national me, i all ready got five stars and here is proof=*****cya!
You cant open the door.unless you have the Members pass which allows you to get Darkrai. and you can gat the pass only by a wifi event. hope this helps :)
You gat a master ball after you defeat dreyden in black , or iris in white, professor juniper gives you one , then if you go to the Pokemon center in castelia city , you must talk to the man next to the union room , ( with the black hair and sunglasses) and after you have traded fifty Pokemon he will give you a master ball, he also gives you a choice scarf , a zoom lens , a wide lens , an everstone , and I can't remember what else off the top of my head , but I think those are the two ways, or you can just trade Pokemon who are holding master balls, I hop that helped
Start at Oreburgh and take the mud slide up then turn rightinto Mt. Cornet and go up, surf on the water rock climb upand the rest is a peice of cake, and it's called SPEAR pillar!!! But, I'd go on youtube to get through the distorshon wold, that's what I did, And have your Pokemon healed because gat ready to battle Cyrus and the one-of-a-kind Giratina
An ablaut is the substitution of one root vowel for another in a word, to reflect grammatical information, such as "get, gat, got".
gat a torcoal or a slugma
Map 5
no you can gat as many Pokemon as you want [su jaaavii]
definetly, right behind artard rock...
simple, you can't, you have to gat a Pokemon that can learn the move without TM's.............. sorry if this did'NT help at all.
Go through the game and train your Pokemon on fights.Otherwise use exp share and go to Pokemon League Battles.
you get all 200 Pokemon on youre dex and go to prof.birch and he will give them to u
By Mystery Gift,by Wi-Fi.Hurry,it stops near September 18.
dawn's little sister will tell you after you gat the national dex, it will be at rt. 228
you can`t catch rayquaza on Pokemon diamond.But you can migrate it after u gat the national pokedex by smarty guy
Sono una gatta for a female and Sono un gattofor a male are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "I'm a cat." The respective pronunciations will be "SO-no OO-na GAT-ta" for a female and "SO-no oon GAT-to" for a male.
If you mean gay, no. If not, I have no idea what gat is!