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There are many places and companies that are willing to buy diamonds online. Some places to go in order to sell diamonds online are eBay, Amazon and to many jewelers.

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Q: How can you find diamond buyers online?
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It is not possible to find out the rarity of a diamond that is sold online. The only way to figure it out, would be to purchase the diamond and then have a professional look at the diamond.

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You can find images of a brown diamond ring in Google images. Another place that you can find images of brown diamond rings is on the Deviant Art website.

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One can find many diamond insurance agencies online. 'Mercury Insurance' offer diamond insurance and are based in Texas. One can also get diamond insurance from 'Double Diamond Financial & Insurance'.

What is the age of the buyers who buys the most online?

Individuals between the ages of 25 and 35 lead the way of buyers who buy the most online. Women are the top gender of buyers.

How can one UK resident get a first time home buyers loan quote online for free?

To get a free quote for a UK resident who wants a home buyers loan quote, one can go to Barclay's, Money Supermarket, and The Chelsea. One can fill out the information online, and they will find out if they are approved for a home buyers loan.

Where could one find a mens diamond watch?

You can find a mens diamond watch in any good jewellery shop. For example H Samuel, or Ernest Jones. You can also use jewellers you find online. Both of these stores also have online shops.

Whom should diamond jewelry be sold?

Diamond jewelry should be sold to professional diamond buyers. Diamond buyers look at the diamond for its aesthetic value as well as its cut, clarity,carat and color. To start with, get your diamond assessed by a professional diamond buyer. Weigh your options and sell it to the one who offers the best price. If you are in or around New York, visit Fabrikant. They are well-known for good payments