1.1 Finding the Downloads folder
To successfully download any item from any Sims 2 site and have the item appear in your game, you will need a "Downloads" folder in your primary Sims 2 folder. The folder location is determined by your operating system but can be found here:
Windows Vista: C:\Users\-your name-\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2
Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\-your name- \My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2
1.2 Creating the Downloads folder
If you don't already have a downloads subfolder in "The Sims 2" folder: Right-click anywhere on the screen and select "New .... Folder" (see pic 2). Name this new subfolder "Downloads".
1.3 Correct folder name
Your folder must be spelled "Downloads", with a capital "D" at the beginning and an "s" at the end (see pic 3). Don't spell it "DOWNLOADS" or "dOwNlOaDs" or "downloads". No other variation in spelling will work.
1.4 Common folder mistake
There is also a Sims 2 folder under C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 (see pic 4). Do not make a "Downloads" subfolder there. Nothing you place in it will show up in your game! If you've already made your Downloads subfolder there, cut and paste the subfolder to the Sims 2 folder in "My Documents".
2.2 Download options
Available items will have four icon buttons to select (see pic 7): "Download as a Sims2Pack", "Download as a ZIP file", "Download with the Site Wizard" and "Add to the Download Basket". We will discuss the wizard/basket tools at a later point. Right now, select either of the first two options, "Download as a Sims2Pack" or "Download as a ZIP file".
2.3 Downloading and saving the file
Now you should see a pop-up screen. (see pic 8) Select "save" and choose to save the items in your "Downloads" folder. In case you can't figure out how to find the "Downloads" folder from here (see Step 1), begin with the "My Documents" folder, then select and open "EA Games", "The Sims 2", choose the "Downloads" folder and then save your file.
Certain items should be saved in different folders already available inside the Sims 2 folder:
Note: Sims2pack files can be opened and installed directly, meaning you don't need to save those to your computer.
2.4 Requirements and categories
Be aware of the instructions and requirements in the description of any item that you download. They will tell you what expansion packs you need to see an item in-game, and in the case of clothes what category the clothes will be found in. For example, this outfit will be found in both the "everyday" and "formal" clothing categories and requires the Glamour Life Stuff pack (see pic 9).
2.5 Lots and required items
Some lots require additional items to be installed for the lot to function correctly; these items are listed and linked to within the items description. Click on "View All Items" to list all items with their description and download links. Click on "List" to open a list of all required items, with quicklinks to view the full description and download links (see pic 10).
Some lots have recommended items as well, although they are not required to make the lot work properly.
2.6 Items that require meshes
Many clothes/hair/objects require you to download a mesh. If the item you are downloading requires a mesh, the creator will include a link to the mesh in the item's description (see pic 11). The mesh can either be available on TSR or from another site and linked to accordingly.
What's a mesh and why do I need it you might ask?
3.1 Installing a Sims2pack file
Note: You can open and install Sims2pack files directly from the site, without having to save them to your computer.
If you have a Sims2Pack file (see pic 12), double-click the file to install it straight into your game. The creation will have either a descriptive name, or just the ID number of the creation in our database (such as 454469 on this pic).
If you get the message "This item requires Expansion Data that is not installed":
3.2 Installing a ZIP file
If you have a ZIP file, right-click the file and select "extract here" from the menu that appears. The ZIP package will open and all files included inside of the ZIP will appear in your Downloads folder (make sure the file was downloaded to the Downloads folder in the previous step). If you see a Sims2Pack file, double-click the file to install it (see above). If you see a Package file (DBPF Package if you have SimPE) (see pic 13) you're done! Package files are self-installers, so you don't need to do anything else with them.
If you want to create subfolders inside the Downloads folder you may do so, but only according to the following rules:
4.1 Enabling custom content
If you see this screen (pic 15) once the game has loaded, do the following:
At this point, if you have correctly installed your items, you should be able to find them in-game. Maxis made it easy on us by marking custom content with an asterisk in the upper-right of the preview screen:
4.2 Finding the Content for Sims
We'll start by locating items for Sims. Open "Create-A-Sim". Once the CAS screen is open, you can begin to search for your custom content:
4.3 Finding the Custom Lots
Your custom lots will be found in the "lots" bin. If you have any problems with locating a house, check the University neighborhood (if applicable). Sometimes a house that you thought was a lovely residential lot turns out to be a Greek House, or a dorm.
4.4 Finding Walls, Floors and Terrain Paints
Custom terrain paints, walls and floors are in the same categories with the Maxis items (highlighted with an asterisk) and can be found under the Buy/Build Mode.
4.5 Finding Custom Objects
Objects are also available under the Buy/Build Mode. Although sometimes they can be a little harder to find, especially if an item isn't quite where you thought it would be in-game! Sometimes a plant is meant to function as an electronic device, sometimes a statue acts as a lamp, and sometimes a coffeepot is just decoration. The easiest way to find your items is, once again, to pay attention to the creator's description.
Example: In the case of this custom fireplace, this item is located under "fireplaces" on-site, but the creator has let us know that her fireplaces are located in the "appliances" section of the game (see pic 16). So if you download these items, but look for them with the rest of the fireplaces, you won't find them. They're in the "miscellaneous" section of large appliances.
So if there's ever any doubt about where an item is located in your game, go back and read the on-site item description.
4.6 Finding Collection Files
If a set you downloaded has a collection file included, you can find all items in the set by clicking on the "Collection File" icon in the mid-bottom part of the menu screen.
5.1 I downloaded an item, unzipped it and installed it, but it's not showing up!
5.2 I downloaded an item, but it's flashing blue!
Get the latest version of CEP. See this page for info on CEP and a direct link to download it.
5.3 I downloaded a hairstyle, but all I see is a default Maxis style/the Social bunny's head?
You've downloaded hair recolors, but forgotten the mesh. Go back to the items on the site and look for the link to a mesh. See section 2.6 for more info.
5.4 I downloaded an outfit, but all I see is a preview of a Sim wearing a pink button-down shirt and capri pants?
You've downloaded clothing recolors, but forgotten the mesh. Go back to the items on the site and look for the link to a mesh. See section 2.6 for more info.
On occasion, you may find that you have done everything right-and the item just won't install. If that's the case, send a PM to the creator and let them know. They are very likely to PM you back and try to help you get the item to work.
Hopefully this tutorial has been useful to anyone who felt overwhelmed by the prospect of downloading and installing. It really is a simple process that can become second nature in no time.
Happy Simming!
if your talking about the PC u can download stuff from mod the sims
You could always download things off the sims 2 website
You can't actually become a mermaid but you can download mermaid outfits, that is the closest you can get to being one.
All of them Expansion packs ▪ The Sims 2: University ▪ The Sims 2: Nightlife ▪ The Sims 2: Open For Business ▪ The Sims 2: Pets ▪ The Sims 2: Seasons ▪ The Sims 2: Bon Voyage ▪ The Sims 2: FreeTime ▪ The Sims 2: Apartment Life Stuff packs ▪ The Sims 2: Family Fun Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: Glamour Life Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: Happy Holiday Stuff (The Sims 2: Festive Holiday Stuff in the UK and Ireland) ▪ The Sims 2: Teen Style Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: Celebration! Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: H&M Fashion Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: Kitchen And Bath Interior Design Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: IKEA Home Stuff ▪ The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff
You download the mod sims 2.
you cant download the sims 2 celebration stuff with out the sims 2
if your talking about the PC u can download stuff from mod the sims
It's many places where you can download stuff for The Sims 2. You can try to look for it on ModTheSims. Maybe it's something there. See the related links.
There is a pirate one... thepiratebay.se if you would like to download legitimate stuff, you can buy expansion packs.
mod the sims 2 has some great stuff, and the sims 2 website also has a ton of things you can download for your sims.
If you don't want the stuff sims already has... Than yes . You have to download it. My download didn't work though! Good Luck :)
You go to the Sims 2.com create an account and look for packs and click on home ikea stuff.
No u cant it is best 2 buy it. Cause u can get more stuff
The Sims 2. The Sims 2 Deluxe. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe. The Sims Holiday Edition. Sims 2 University. Sims 2 Open for Business. Sims 2 Business. Sims 2 Seasons. Sins 2 Bon Voyage. Sims 2 Free Time. Sims 2 Apartment Life. Sims 2 Stuff Packages. Sims 2 Fashion Stuff. Sims 2 Teen Stuff. Sims 2 Kitchen and Bath Stuff. Sims 2 IKEA Stuff. Sims 2 Happy Holiday! Stuff. Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff. Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff. Sims 2 Celebration Stuff. Sims 2 H&M Fashion Stuff. Sims 2 Mansion 7 Garden Stuff Collections of some of the Sim expansion packs: Sims 2 Fun with Pets Collections. Sims 2 Best of the Business Sims 2 University Life Collection Sims 2 for the DS Sims 2 Apartment Pet Sims 2 Castaway Sims 2 Pets
You can't. It's just a stuff pack. You can find way better stuff to download for free once you have the base game.
its intermateen where you can get teens prego and all that good stuff you can download it at pandora.com or sims2cir.com
The Sims 2 Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs are all in this order: The Sims 2 The Sims 2 University The Sims 2 Nightlife The Sims 2 Open For Buisness The Sims 2 Pets The Sims 2 Seasons The Sims 2 Bon Voage The Sims 2 Free Time The Sims 2 Apartment Life Then The Stuff Packs: The Sims 2 Family Fun Stuff The Sims 2 Glamour Life Stuff The Sims 2 Celebration Stuff The Sims 2 H&M Fashion Stuff The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff The Sims 2 Kitchen And Bath Interior Design Stuff The Sims 2 IKEA Home Stuff The Sims 2 Mansion And Garden stuff Thats All Of Them I Hope This Helped!