if you want to start completely over, i believe you select "reset data" or something from the menu. I dunno. if u want 2 go 4 the details, select "new game" and it'll tell you how to reset. if you don't want to start completely over, i don't know what to tell you, buddy.
Pokemon diamond, Pokemon platinum and Pokemon pearl
Pokemon platinum has the time feature where it uses the dses time. if it is Friday on your ds, it is Friday on platinum.
Pokemon platinum
there are no fake Pokemon diamond on the ds and that's 100% sure Yes, I bought a fake platinum game off of eBay for 17 dollars. It takes it a half an hour to just save the game.Sometimes, it freezes for no reason! It sucks! If it is from japan, DONT buy it!
You would need to transfer all your Pokemon back to your DS game, and delete the save data in the Wii Options menu (Wii Options -> Data Management -> Saves -> Wii -> My Pokemon Ranch -> Delete). However, if you delete your game save, you will lose any Pokemon left on your My Pokemon Ranch game.
get another DS and trade on to platinum
When you have completed the Pokemon league and completed the sinnoh dex then you will unlock an area called palpark then save and turn off the ds, insert sapphire in the gba slot of the ds turn on the ds choose platinum and in the screen which asks new gaame or continue or options it should say migrate. then you can choose Pokemon to give to your platinum out of your box. All Pokemon will disappear from your Sapphire and will appear in the pal park building. This is the only way to connect platinum and sapphire
No. But if you put Emerald and Platinum in the same DS you can migrate pokémon from Emerald to Platinum.
go to Google then type in Pokemon platinum
Pokemon platinum
You need 2 ds your out of luck
Nintendo DS