After you update the DSi XL, there is no way in removing that update.
yes a dsi charger fits a dsi XL and a dsi XL fits the dsi
You cannot print from a DSi XL.
The difference between the Dsi and the Dsi XL is that the XL has a bigger screen.
i also have a dsi XL i also formatted the memory it will only erase photos music and songs it does not erase updates or downloads
You cannot trade downloaded games such as DSi ware. The only way to do so is by using a system transfer from one DSi XL to another one. However, the original DSi XL will delete all data in order to transfer the data to the second DSi XL.
yes a dsi charger fits a dsi XL and a dsi XL fits the dsi
UK: DSi - £129.99 Dsi XL - £169.99 - £189.00 US: DSi - (approx) $149.99 DSi XL - $189.99
no their is not a black dsi XL
No, the dsi XL has a bigger screen than the dsi.
Yes, the DSi charger is the same as the DSi XL.
No they can not go into dsi XL or dsi. There is a possibility that the system will break. But there is a dsi or dsi XL TTDS like chips.
The XL stands for 'eXtra Large'.
Of course!!! The dsi XL is just a bigger version of the dsi.
Dsi XL I have got one because I traded my DSI in
Kind of..., except the dsi XL has a Xl symbol beside of The dsi symbol on the top screen.