first get to her then use edwardos roar thing intill he dies then hold down left mouse button
Collect all fusion matter needed, do the nano mission, defeat fusion scotsman!!!
As of June 2011, the Past tutorial has been removed from the game, so Fusion Blossom has been moved to a new location. She is currently located at Pokey Oaks infected zone. There is also a higher level Fusion Blossom located at Mandark's Lair, in Genius Grove. It is unknown if this is a duplicate glitch or intended by the makers of FusionFall.
According to Fusion Fall Wiki, she is in Devil's Bluff.
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when the official fusion fall comes out it will cost money the official one comes out janurary 14
how are you fining blossom on fusion fall where are she where will fine her how can i get to her on the game
where is blossom how fin her no one can fine her where she we need her
Blossom is in Sector V Fusion Blossom is in Pokey Oaks Junior High You get Nano Blossom by defeating Fusion Blossom
you got to be a member
by defeating evil dexter
fight with bad blossom and she will become good
There are 36 levels. When you defeat Lord Fuse just run across all fusion fall!
how do you get blossom nano in fusionfall i know you need more fusin matter to get a buttercup nano mission at the past
Collect all fusion matter needed, do the nano mission, defeat fusion scotsman!!!
i don't no,i never played the game fusion fall.and,i never got to the stpid guy
As of June 2011, the Past tutorial has been removed from the game, so Fusion Blossom has been moved to a new location. She is currently located at Pokey Oaks infected zone. There is also a higher level Fusion Blossom located at Mandark's Lair, in Genius Grove. It is unknown if this is a duplicate glitch or intended by the makers of FusionFall.
She is with Fusion Dexter in the Fusion Tunnel to Lab at Mandark's House and Galaxy Gardens. She is spinning around Fusion Dexter in his lair at Mandark's House and the first Fusion to defeat in Fusion Dexter's lair in Galaxy Gardens