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You can change it, but only if you make a new account. That isn't suggested though because you'd have to start your penguin adventure all over again.

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15y ago

you can't, when you name the puffle you can't change it unless theres a glitch

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You can't change your puffle name

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Q: How can you change your puffles name on Club Penguin?
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What are all of the names of the Puffles in Club Penguin?

There are noactuallynames of the puffles. You can buy them and name them yourself.

Why cant you make your own Club Penguin?

You could, but it would have to have different graphics, different places, and different names. You could name it "Club Pig", but not Club Penguin, because it has a copy right. If you wanted puffles for pets, you'd have to slightly change their look and change their name from puffles to something else.

How do you change a golden puffles name?

You cannot change your puffle's name on Club Penguin. You have to stick with the name you chose at the Pet Shop when you bought your puffle.

Can you have a baby puffles on cp?

you can not get baby puffles on club penguin. its as simple as that. my name on club penguin is Sammy Lou so if u see me say cheese pretsil so that i no that your talking to me.

Can you get puffins on Club Penguin ds?

You can get puffles only you cant name it it has he secret name

What is the green puffles name on club penguin missions?

The green elite puffle's name is Flit.

What are good names for white puffles on club penguin?

well if i got a white puffle on club penguin i would name it snowflake ,snowy.

How do you unlock puffles on Club Penguin?

You can buy puffles for 800 coins on club penguin. To earn coins you need to play games. You can unlock puffles if you have a code. Flip to the puffle page and you can get one for free! You need to name your puffle after you buy it. Then, you will get a letter. Then, the puffle will be in your igloo.

How do you change your puffle name on club penguin?

You cannot change your penguin name on Club Penguin.

How do you change a name on Club Penguin?

You cannot change your penguin's name.

How do you get a puffle on clubpenguin without being a member?

Well there are two puffles that are free on Club Penguin and they are the blue one and the red one. Hope this helped. My name on Club Penguin is SuperJosh635

How do you findAunt Arint's puffles on club penguin?

get the ring launcher and go to the berg and ave the penguins. Once you do that talk to the lonely penguin. After that get the grappling hook and find the puffles on ski mountain.BTW i have 16 puffles and i lost my red one and i bought another one and now i have 17 puffles!my penguin name is LionChic find me in the server down under XD