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click on the throne in the bottom right corner

click management which will be above it and there u wil have the option 2 change the flag

this is not available straight away though

i am only a lvl 8 so i cant do it yet

yeah thats right but u have to have rubies before u change ur coat of arms or the flag. its expensive like a thousnd. im level 26.

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Q: How can you change your flag on goodgame empire?
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How do you get a commander on goodgame empire?

build a encampment

Do you need level 12 on goodgame empire to join an alliance?


How do you add members in your alliance in goodgame empire?

You need to have wood, stone and a lot of rubies about 900

What are some good empire games like goodgame empire?

It depends in what style of game you want (single player , online , ect) ____________________________________________________ game like goodgame empire ____________________________________________________ Online- ____________________________________________________ Lord of ultima - AWESOME goodgame empire - good Evony - HATED IT (they use advertisements that have nothing to do with the game, like nasty women that are not from evony, and the game just sucks) I recommend you play lord of ultima...... tribal wars Ikariam Grepolis Dragons of atlantis - not bad go to kabam, they have nice games like lord of ultima. but i like lord of ultima more than kabam games. plus, lord of ultima is made by EA. If you need help in the game im willing to help. Oh and what world do you play on in goodgame empire. _____________________________________________________ Offline / singleplayer _____________________________________________________ Starcraft Starcraft 2 Empire earth

What is the password of goodgame big farm hack 3.9 password?

There is no password for Goodgame Big Farm to hack the 3.9 version. These passwords change on a consistent basis, which means once a hack is discovered it is not long before it no longer works.

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You must buy a tavern, of course!

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The game saves your progress automatically.

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You need to be level 25+.

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They fight enemies such as Robber Barons and Mongols.

Do you need level 12 on goodgame empire to join an alliance?
