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i dont know to you! buthole!

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Q: How can we get ahead of route 9 in Pokemon lugia's ocean version?
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What is Pokemon Lugias ocean version?

A fake version of Pokemon gold

Can you get all the Pokemon in Pokemon lugias ocean?

NO you may not

Any Pokemon lugias ocean hints?

its a fake game

Where do you get the hidden machines in Pokemon Lugias Ocean?

I don`t no..... But i get HM cut From my Rival ..

What are the starter Pokemon in Lugias ocean?

They r bagon, growlithe and nidoran. I think they r wierd starter pokemon. :)

Is there a done stone in lugias ocean?

not as far as i know

What is Lugia's ocean version?

there is no such thing as Pokemon lugia ocean version

How do you go to Saffron City in Pokemon Lugias Ocean Version?

You cant go there instantly you have to beat elite four then go to professer tells you go somwhere then get lugia talk to him he gives you somthing than go to olivine boat find little girl in boat then get out of boat arrive in kanto tnen look at map

On Pokemon sliver version where do cross the ocean to get cianwood?

go to olivine and surf south-west

How can you go to a new city after you beat the gym leader of navaja in Pokemon liquid ocean version?

i have this problem too. and i havent found a solution yet.

Who is the furthest ahead in time zones?

The furthest ahead in time zones is the Line Islands in the Pacific Ocean, which are 14 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC14).

Difference between ocean's eleven 1960 and ocean's eleven 2001 acting?

There is one main difference between the, "Ocean Eleven", movies. In the 1960 version, the crew gets busted. In the 2001 version, they do not get busted.