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the vamp and the human need a good relationship first of all. then (if your the vamp) you click the human and click on the interaction "drink" it will have another choice which is "offer to turn". if your the human you click the vamp and can "ask to turn" im not sure how to offer the vamp to drink from you though.

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Q: How can vampires drink blood from humans in the sims 3?
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How do you make your sims vampire drink blood?

in sims life stories, you can turn sims into vampires, but they dont drink peoples blood. if you have a high relationship with another sim, then i think you can choose the option to "bite" them and then they will turn into a vampire

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The new expansion pack "Late Night" for the sims 3 has blood your sims can become vampires and they need to suck "plasma" which is the sim equivalent to blood the expansion is released on October 26, 2010

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If you mean what is the name of the Sims 2 game its called the Sims 2 Nightlife that's the one with the vampires.

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No, but there is The Sims 2 Nightlife where you can turn your Sims into vampires.

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How do you make a vampire in Sims 3?

Sadly, there are no vampires in the sims 3. Yet, you can add the additional game Late night, which adds vampires.

Can Sims become vampires in the original Sims?

No they cannot. Only in The Sims 2 or 3. Hope this helped!

Are there vampires in the Sims 3 pets?

I have Sims 3, and they do not have Vampires. Though they may create an expansion pack in which they have Vampires. (Like in Sims 2)

How do you find a vampire on Sims 3 just Sims 3?

You can't they only have it on Sims 3 Late NightYou can also get them in Sims 3: Supernatural.

Can teen sims be vampires in sims 2 double deluxe?

Yes, but they have to be bitten by a vampire.