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Build it on a rotating platform. Build it directly on the North Pole.

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Q: How can a person build a house with all four walls facing south?
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Why do people in hilly areas build their houses facing south?

This only happens in the northern hemisphere, and the reason is becasue South is the main direction of the sun. It will rise in the South-east and set in the South-west, but a house facing South will get sunlight all day.

If a house has all four walls facing south were is the house?

over the North pole

Why do Chinese build facing south?

Because of the axial arrangement Chinese architecture was based on

A house with walls all facing in the same direction?

A house with walls all facing in the same direction is a house that is sitting smack bang on top of the north pole. that way, all four walls are facing south. :D

There is a houseall four sides are facing south and there is a bearwhat colour is the bear and where is the house?

If all directions are south, then the house stands on the north pole, and the bear is white.

How does putting windows on the south side affect the heating and cooling of the house?

Because of the tilt of the Sun in winter, the sun will strike the south facing windows facing windows for most of the day.

What side of the house gets the most sunlight?

This depends on the specific location and orientation of the house. In the northern hemisphere, the south-facing side typically receives the most sunlight throughout the day. In the southern hemisphere, the north-facing side tends to get the most sunlight.

If you build a house with 4 sides and rectangular structure with each side facing sound and southern exposure and a bear walks by - what color is it?

White - it is a polar bear. The house is on the North Pole, that's the only way all sides would face south.

Where could you build a house so that every side has northern exposure?

The South Pole.

A man makes a house that is square in shape. All the side of his house is facing south. How is this possible?

The only way this is possible is if the house is built directly on the North Pole.

Why is a left handed person called a south paw?

because it is assumed everyone is facing west

If you are facing south and east is?

If you are facing south, then east is to your left.