Anyone can play any games they want. If 10 year old can play if they will but make sure they know about online safety especially in a game where you socialize.
Yes, in fact runescape is appropriate for and 8 year old.
One anagram of all the letters in roast mules that a four-year-old child would recognize is:somersault
No I think that it is so bad for a five year old boy.
about a year old i think
100 - 200 a week
A normal stocker makes 404 dollars a week. If you are 16, you will only work around 20 hours a week which means you will make around 200 dollars a week.
u cant
Cut the grass
there are no 200 year old women in the world :( sorry!
By looking down the back of your sofa?
The Pillsbury Doughboy
Legally a 10 year old cannot work. They could work for parents or friends for an allowance, cutting yards, or a lemonade stand.
Earn $62.50 every week for four weeks. Easy as that.
17 year old with a part time job $100/ week.
In answering your question: Then if someone was 520 week's old, how old would they be ? This is realy easy : They would be 10 Year's old . You have to think about how many week's in a year to get the answer . JayC.Smith