A man in Pacific Log Town will tell you whether or not he can see Mirage Island each and every day, or every 6 hours. Then you can surf there from Pacific Log Town.
mirage island mirage island mirage island mirage island
Mirage island is not in Pokemon pearl.
when the code matches your Pokemon's ID number you can get in mirage island. P.S. its extremely rare
Mirage Island Game Shark CodeThere are no Gameshark Warp codes in Emerald to get to Mirage Island. There is a code but it will hardly work7572668C A25C844CUse this and maybe you can get there
mirage island mirage island mirage island mirage island
Mirage island is not in Pokemon pearl.
to get to mirage island you have to snap your game in half and put it back together in a different way and mirage island is permanently there
The only Pokemon on mirage island is wynaut
you find mirage island outside pacifidlog town when you have a mirage sensitive pokemon. you have to talk to an old man in the southeast corner of town without a hat. if he says "i can see mirage island today!" then then you have a mirage sensitive pokemon and can visit mirage island on route 130 or 129
Mirage Island appears when you have got a Wanuat. Sometimes Mirage Island appears and sometimes it doesn't - the old man will normally say " I can't see Mirage Island today" but rarely he will say he can - and that's when it appears. DO NOT let your Wanuat evolve otherwise you will not find Mirage Island.
When you get to mirage island you will find ONLY wynauts.
A Wynut, although you have to be VERY lucky for mirage island to appear and Wynut is the pre evolution of Wobbufet
There is NO easier way to get to Mirage Island. You have to wait till the man can see Mirage Island and then head for Route 130.
go to a house in pacidolog where two men talk about mirage island the second guy randomly tells you if the mirage island appeared or not (if he says theres no mirage island you should wait until the next day) if he says that theres mirage island surf east (dont go to the fast currents take the other side) then in mirage island you well find wynauts n the grass and a really rare berry which you can receive only in mirage island
All the Pokemon if a man i can see mirage island take them
Rarely Mirage Island will appear on the Route east of Pacifidlog Town.