The wedges on the Wheel are the size that you can see when they hold up the prize, wildcard, and million dollar cardboard wedges.
24 or 26 depending on whether a section is split into 3 with a million dollar wedge between two bankrupts wedges and seventy three stainless steel pins are arranged around the wheel
There are 24 spaces on the Wheel when it does not have one split into three and 26 when it has a ten thousand and two bankrupts on the same space. The related link has the Season 2008-2009 Wheel configuration picture along with details of most aspects of the show
Wheel of fortune does not provide contestant information
Go to the Wheel of Fortune site
you don't because the actual wheel is very heavy and the best you can do would be to use a roulette wheel with modifications made to it on the surface to reflect the wedges used in Wheel Of Fortune.
The Big Picture was the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for October 9 2012The big picture
The Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle is Big VocabularyBig Vocabulary
My Big Chance is the Wheel of Fortune Bonus Puzzle for June 14 2012
Wheel of Fortune - 1983 Big Money 10 - 22.160 was released on: USA: 15 April 2005
Wheel of Fortune - 1983 Big Money 8 - 22.158 was released on: USA: 13 April 2005
Big finish
Wheel of Fortune - 1983 Big Money 2 20-97 was released on: USA: 14 January 2003
Wheel of Fortune - 1983 Big Money 5 29-130 was released on: USA: 16 March 2012
Wheel of Fortune - 1983 Big Money 1 22-121 was released on: USA: 21 February 2005
Wheel of Fortune - 1983 Big Money 2 29-127 was released on: USA: 13 March 2012