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Because the fire returns essential minerals to the soil.

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Q: How are wild fires good for animals plants and trees?
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Plants, trees, or may be animals. Plants, trees, or may be animals.

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What soil types are in the deciduous forest?

Very good and fertile. Full of good nutrition and minerals. The soil is very good for the huge trees, plants and animals.

How do forests effect animals?

forests effect animals by one tree getting ill and the other tree will suck it in and then all of the trees will get sick which will be a forest and then the animals suck in the bad air and it effects them also forest fires as well but effect can also mean good but other than those too forests are good effect.

Does birch trees work good for fires?

Yes . It is better than nothing but burns a bit quick.

What are benefits of a forest fire?

It clears out the choking underbrush and immature trees that choke out the seedlings on the forest floor. Also there are SOME species of trees that will not reproduce without the assistance of fire which is hot enough to make them reproduce (produce seeds).- - - - - - - -Ash from burnt vegetation also provides useful nutrients for the new growthSome fires are good because it burns away dead material and allows for healthier regrowth. In fact, some fires are caused by firefighters for that sole purpose

What are tha exples of sentense?

A place for trees and animals Cutting down trees is not good

Do you need plants and animals?

Of course! Animals are used for meat, which is good, and you need plants for oxygen and food.

Does fire do any bad or good to a forest?

Bad- It kills all the trees plants, releases a lot of carbon dioxide and can kill animals Good- Can give the soil a lot of nutrients for future growing

In what way can fires be good for the environment?

Well some plants need to be burned so that they can survive and it makes them grow better but most fires are very destructive.

How plants and animals depend on each other?

Animals eat plants AND fertilize them . A good deal all around.Symbiotic.

How does a wild fires harm our environment?

They might kill animals and plants and damage houses, but there is a good side. The plant's and animal's remains fertilize the ground for surviving plants. So, if the fire was caused by a careless human being, that's bad. But if it happened naturally, it's okay.