you done do anything you need to wait the game develops the code thing ranges 0-(64K) and identifies if it matches someone in your party if it matches the old guy in pacificlog town will tell you he sees mirage island ^^hope it helps
mirage island mirage island mirage island mirage island
It will disappear and reappear in the desert on Route 111 as the player visits and leaves the Route.Do not confuse it with Mirage Island.
in mirage island
its an island in Pokemon emerald that rarelt ever shows up and its called mirage island
Mirage Island Game Shark CodeThere are no Gameshark Warp codes in Emerald to get to Mirage Island. There is a code but it will hardly work7572668C A25C844CUse this and maybe you can get there
Rarely Mirage Island will appear on the Route east of Pacifidlog Town.
mirage island mirage island mirage island mirage island
The only Pokemon on mirage island is wynaut
When you get to mirage island you will find ONLY wynauts.
Mirage Island does not always appear. When it does, it does. It is found between Pacifidlog Town\Sky Tower.
It will disappear and reappear in the desert on Route 111 as the player visits and leaves the Route.Do not confuse it with Mirage Island.
in Pokemon emerald is there another way to get the skill tag than on mirage island
You can only find Wynaut on Mirage Island in Pokémon Emerald.
They are on Mirage Island.
in mirage island
On route 130
you can find a skill tag on mirage island.