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In high low Poker, players aim to make the best or worst hand to win. Each player is dealt two cards, and there are rounds of betting. Then, five community cards are dealt face up in the center. Players can use any combination of their two cards and the community cards to make their best or worst hand. At the end, the pot is split between the player with the best hand and the player with the worst hand.

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Is an ace considered high or low in poker?

In poker, an ace is considered high.

Is the ace in poker considered high or low?

In poker, the ace can be considered high or low, depending on the game being played.

Are aces considered high or low in the game of poker?

In the game of poker, aces are considered high.

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In most poker games, including Texas Hold'em, ace is considered high and not low.

Can the ace be both high and low in poker?

Yes, in some variations of poker, such as in games like Omaha and Stud, the ace can be both high and low.

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Hearts and High-Low Poker are card games. They begin with the letter H.

Is poker a game where the ace can be considered both high and low?

Yes, in poker, the ace can be considered both high and low depending on the specific rules of the game being played.

What are the high low poker rules and how do they differ from traditional poker rules?

In high low poker, the pot is split between the player with the highest hand and the player with the lowest hand. This differs from traditional poker where the entire pot goes to the player with the highest hand. In high low poker, players aim to make both the highest and lowest possible hands using a combination of their hole cards and community cards.

In High Low poker if you declare High Low and lose the Low but you had the best High Who wins the pot?

In "Hi/Lo" poker there are 2 winning hands. This means if you win High you get 50% of the pot, and if you lose Low, the other player wins 50% of the pot. If you win both, you will win 100% of the pot. You can not "declare" that you have the winning hand in poker either. Everything is decided on the showdown.

Can you play pacific poker on a reliable website?

"Yes, you can play Pacific Poker on a reliable website. The Pacific Poker website is owned and operated by Cassava Enterprises and has high security."

Can an ace be used as a one in poker?

Yes, in poker, an ace can be used as a high card or a low card, including as a one.

Can aces be low in a poker straight?

No, aces cannot be low in a poker straight. In a standard poker game, the lowest possible straight is A-2-3-4-5, with the ace acting as a high card in this sequence.