i have seen 5 or 6 but I'm just one person out of a million so probably hundreds '_' i don't know ;] maybe even thousands... once again i don't know
Commander Helmet. Unlocked after you reach the Commander rank. Rank is currently capped at LT.Cornel Grade 3, Commander is the next rank.
why would someone do that!
Well, it is only one credit. HOWEVER! You must buy all the helmet [just basic versions] and also be an inheritor [highest rank possible in Halo Reach] which means you must have in total earned 20 milion credits from when you first play the game. which is not a quick process unless you play for an extreme amount of time at once.
He is wearing the Commando helmet that you unlock by ranking up.
his helmet is a grenadier
the level it is unlocked is Lt.colonel.
Inheritor, the last rank in the game. The last helmet, the Haunted Helmet, is the Pilot Helmet with a skull on it. To unlock it, you must reach the rank Inheritor, and own every BASE helmet in the game.
Commander Helmet. Unlocked after you reach the Commander rank. Rank is currently capped at LT.Cornel Grade 3, Commander is the next rank.
To get the haunted helmet you need to BE ABLE to buy every helmet and attachment in the armory (excludes Waypoint helmets), so you need to be around General Rank. Then buy the PILOT HELMET and ATTACHMENTS, after this another attachment will appear. This is the Haunted Helmet, all you have to do is buy it for 1cR!!!
The Commando helmet in Halo: Reach is unlocked at the rank of Commander (600,000 total cR and +60,000 from the previous rank which is Lt. Colonel Grade 3). It costs 85,000 cR
First, rank up until you get to Major, then buy the EVA helmet(It is required or the EVA (C) won't be unlocked). Then, rank up until you get to Commander and EVA (C) or Emile's helmet will be available for 120,000 credits.
why would someone do that!
no when you unlock the pilot helmet there is an attachment called haunted. you just need to buy all the helmets which is achieved by getting max rank
probably the haunted helmet but you have to first have 100 percent armory completion for it to become able to purchase (personally i think that the gungnir helmet looks the coolest though)
There is no hayabusa helmet in halo reach
You have to buy each and every single helmet and you get it unlocked. It's called the haunted visor. You also need to be the required rank which I believe is Inheritor, which is the highest rank. You can't even see it until you are a high enough rank also.