No... Sadly no one has found one.... But yes there is a shiny dugtreo
i do
no srry... i found my shiny requaza
Yes, you can. You just have to be lucky enough to find one. I found a shiny Swablu and now I have a shiny Altaria. I found my shiny Pokemon way before beating the elite four.
No they programmed the game so you can't catch shiny victini, reshiram, and zekrom. All other pokemon can be found shiny.
I do, cause I got two. Boy or girl?
Assuming they have a shiny Genesect, then yes.
i do
Never mind everybody I found one
ya sure
yup. you're not having it.
I can give you a shiny gyarados lv 33 if you want
YES.i found a shiny tentacool.But they are very rare.
no srry... i found my shiny requaza
only for shiny zorua
All the Pokemon found in the wild can be shiny. There is a 1 in over 8000 chance that a Pokemon will be shiny.