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when you buy it it goes to your storage. go to your book it will say furniture then go to the section the refrigerator will be there.

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Q: Harvest moon tree of tranquility how long does it take for a refrigorator to be delivered?
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About 3-4 weeks give of take a day

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How long is chicken good for in the refrigorator if it is vacumed pack container?

All I can is for a couple of days.

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The Clock Tower is located RIGHT beside the bulliten Board. Its that white long thing with the bell.

How do you have a kid on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Two seasons after you are married you will get a pregnancy event. One season after that your child will be born. All you have to do is play long enough to get the scenes.

How long does it take to have a baby in harvest moon after getting pregnant?

IN Tree of tranquility, you'll get a cutscene 2-4 seasons after getting married. One month after this, you'll have a baby.

How long does it take bears to like you in Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility?

it varies between games, but to make it like you, you have to feed it honey and fish. Sorry I can't be of any more help.