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These are real codes, i swear to god, i only have 2 weapon codes though, the others require special things like pre-ordering, or you have to be an official member of bad company, so these are them

M60 machine gun
Enter "try4ndrunf0rcov3r" as a code to unlock the M60 machine gun.

QBU-88 sniper rifle
Enter "your3mynextt4rget" as a code to unlock the QBU-88 sniper rifle.

i hope you use these weapons well, give me hell soldier

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Q: Gun redemption codes for battlefield bad company for PS3?
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u get 5 free codes from the bf bad company site Here are some codes; "your3mynextt4rget" Unlocks QBU88 Recon Kit, "try4ndrunf0rcov3r" Unlocks the M60 Support Kit, "cov3r1ngthecorn3r" Unlocks the Uzi Special Ops Kit, "aw3somef1rep0wer" Unlocks USAS12 for use in multiplayer.

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Gun redeem code for battlefield bad company for PS3?

i have not yet seen any around and im still looking

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One is for online use that to access multiplayer and the other one is to join the gun club that one isn't as good but you can use it.

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You must do all of the weapon challenges on one gun on multiplayer and you then get the gun in gold

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I believe it is the last gun you get for rank.

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For the Missle click Left Mouse Button the only way you could have the Machine Gun attached to the U.A.V is to unlock secondary fire which is the last unlock for vehicles, Right Mouse Button will fire the machine gun.

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Right Click with a scoped gun or a sniper

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FN F2000, UMP 45, Steyr AUG, PP2000, M9, M16, M203, Masterkey, Rpg, AT4

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Gun or, Red dead redemption is coming out soon