Xbox vs Computer Xbox 360 has much better graphics than a PC. Although the PC does have some advantages over the Xbox, I would always consider Xbox 360 over any other system out yet. Thanks i hope you enjoyed my review on Xbox vs Computer.
i think xbox elite but there is a better xbox-the slim
February 2010
Ps2 was better than the first xbox, if its xbox 360 your talking about thats better than it
Nothing much. Instead of the black and white buttons on the Xbox controller the Xbox 360 controller has RB (right bumper) and LB (left bumper). And the Xbox 360 controller is way more comfortable
Smackdown! vs. Raw is not avalible for the Xbox 360.
Yes. Buy it on Xbox Marketplace.
Xbox vs Computer Xbox 360 has much better graphics than a PC. Although the PC does have some advantages over the Xbox, I would always consider Xbox 360 over any other system out yet. Thanks i hope you enjoyed my review on Xbox vs Computer.
i think xbox elite but there is a better xbox-the slim
PS3 slim
The ps3 is better
February 2010
only certain games are patched for the 360 but they are working on alot of the original xbox games. If it is not patched yet it will be eventually.