Edward Elric
beauty and the beast; American Beauty;
The site behindthename.com offers a link to browse names by alphabet; the link is below.
Car names starting with J are Jaguar and Jeep.
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Edward Elric
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Names starting with the letters Q, U, X, Y and Z are not used for naming hurricanes.
If scientists run out of letters in the alphabet for hurricane names, they turn to the Greek alphabet, starting with Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. This method was first used in 2005, and each subsequent storm is named using the Greek alphabet until the end of the hurricane season.
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There are not enough names starting with U, Q, X, Y, or Z for them to work in the current naming system.
beauty and the beast; American Beauty;
The vast majority of last names in the world are written with the Latin alphabet, followed by the Cyrillic alphabet.