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Q: Give me a word for a reckless violent person?
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Related questions

What is another word for a violent person?

mean, brutal

What is the adverb of reckless?

The adverb form of the word reckless is recklessly.Some example sentences are:He was pulled over for driving recklessly.They are recklessly demolishing the garage with no safety gear.

Is reckless a compound word?

"Reck" is an old word and "less" is a word, so reckless is a compound word.

Can you give me a sentence with the word violent?

The sudden violent sideways movement of the vehicle made my head hit the roof.

What is another word for a person who commits a violent crime?


Can you give me a sentence with the word intervene?

I will intervene their argument to prevent it from getting violent.

How can you use the word reckless in a sentence?

the man made a reckless turn and crashed.

Is wreckless a word?

The correct term is "reckless," not "wreckless." "Reckless" means acting without thinking about the possible consequences, while "wreckless" is not a standard English word.

What is the latin word for reckless?


What is the meaning of the word Wreckless?

"Wreckless" is an adjective. It is commonly used to describe a person or action that is careless, inconsiderate, or not fully thought through before acting. "Wreckless" is not a word, it's the misspelling of reckless. Reckless is an adjective. It is commonly used to describe a person or action that is careless, inconsiderate, or not fully thought through before acting.

What is the word that means something likely to cause danger?

Dangerous. Or if talking legally about a person's actions leading to an event that could cause something dangerous to happen the word often used is reckless. Eg. Dangerous and Reckless is a charge for a driving offence, Reckless Endangerment is often a charge against parents who have done something to risk the safety of their children.xx

Is reckless a first or second syllable is stressed?

The word "reckless" is pronounced with the stress on the first syllable. In phonetics, this is known as initial stress, where the primary emphasis is placed on the first syllable of the word. Therefore, in "reckless," the "reck" syllable is stressed.