Startle and stun are synonyms for astonish. They begin with the letters ST.
The longest word starting with E is Electroencephalographically.
A four letter word starting with the letter a is able.
A seven letter word starting with E could be epitome.
Waterhose is a nine letter word starting with the letter W!
Floccinaucinihilipilification is the longest word starting with F; it means the act of estimating something as worthless.
sailor seafarer
The verb, astonish, might do.
The way you sang tonight was astonishing. I'm impressed
The word "astonish" is a verb.
The meaning of the word "astonish" is to fill with sudden and overwhelming surprise and wonder. "Astonish" is used to describe intense feelings of amazement.
The magician's tricks never failed to astonish the audience.
The word astonished is an adjective.
astonish could mean surprised or happy like : the girl was astonished when she saw th flowers
catch try jumpy
Because Jacob did not participate in class too much, his correct and lengthy answer did astonish everyone.
amaze, astonish, jumble, confuse