Some girls' names that start with D are:
Some girls names that begin with d are Diane and Diana.
Girls names that start with the letter V are:Valda.Valentina.ValerieValeska.Vanessa.VannaVannsa,Vashti.Vedette.VelaVelainyaVelanieVentura.Venus.VeraVerna.VeronicaVicki/Vicky/VickieVictoriaVida.VidiaViennaViola.VioletViraVirginiaVita.Viveca.Vivian/VivienVivienneVivvian
Street names that begin with the letter D:DakotaDaleDanceDanforthDanvilleDarienDavisDaybreakDaytonDeanDecaturDeckerDeerfieldDelawareDelavanDennisDeweyDiamondDivisionDixieDobsonDodgeDuncanDurhamDuval
Danielle, Debbie and Doreen are girl names. Drew, Dana and Dee are girl names.
Derwent water (in the English Lake District).
Some girls names that begin with d are Diane and Diana.
Girls names that start with the letter V are:Valda.Valentina.ValerieValeska.Vanessa.VannaVannsa,Vashti.Vedette.VelaVelainyaVelanieVentura.Venus.VeraVerna.VeronicaVicki/Vicky/VickieVictoriaVida.VidiaViennaViola.VioletViraVirginiaVita.Viveca.Vivian/VivienVivienneVivvian
the boy starts with v. the girls starts with j.
dales pony
Street names that begin with the letter D:DakotaDaleDanceDanforthDanvilleDarienDavisDaybreakDaytonDeanDecaturDeckerDeerfieldDelawareDelavanDennisDeweyDiamondDivisionDixieDobsonDodgeDuncanDurhamDuval
Danielle, Debbie and Doreen are girl names. Drew, Dana and Dee are girl names.
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Derwent water (in the English Lake District).
Mary beth, Mary Elizabeth, Mary, Miranda, Meadow, Maya