HerInteractive makes the Nancy Drew computer games. Their site also recommends and advertises other games, including detective ones. There are also Hardy Boys computer games.
There are 37 Nancy Drew video games.
There are 21 Nancy Drew PC games from Her Interactive in total, with the 22nd coming out this June. However, even thought there are 21 Nancy Drew PC Games, there are 24 Nancy drew games in total, because three games have been made for different platforms (Gameboy Advance, DVD, and Nintendo Wii.)
I don't believe you can play Nancy Drew online but I am looking too.
You can play a free trial of one on bigfishgames. You can also download free trials of a lot of the games from bigfishgames.com or buy the downloadable full version of each nancy drew game for 2.99 on bigfishgames.com. You can also play one mini game from selected nancy drew games on herinteractive.com(the website for the makers of nancy drew games.) Hope this answer was helpful.
If you want to buy Nancy Drew PC games, you should go to www.HerInteractive.com. They have all the games there. Or you can go on www.Ebay.com and search them. Or go on www.Google.com and search. I hope I helped!
There are 37 Nancy Drew video games.
There was a Nancy Drew party game (board) and are Nancy Drew computer games.
they don't want to show Nancy drew in the games because they want you to have your own image of her.
I love Nancy Drew's books, games and movies\show
There are 21 Nancy Drew PC games from Her Interactive in total, with the 22nd coming out this June. However, even thought there are 21 Nancy Drew PC Games, there are 24 Nancy drew games in total, because three games have been made for different platforms (Gameboy Advance, DVD, and Nintendo Wii.)
I don't believe you can play Nancy Drew online but I am looking too.
I actually live in Canada, but I know you can purchase Nancy Drew PC games off of Ebay that are from Australia. Hope this helps :)
actually their are Nancy drew computer games > To buy one, go to www.HerInteractive.com. The HerInteractive company makes the games. :)
You can play a free trial of one on bigfishgames. You can also download free trials of a lot of the games from bigfishgames.com or buy the downloadable full version of each nancy drew game for 2.99 on bigfishgames.com. You can also play one mini game from selected nancy drew games on herinteractive.com(the website for the makers of nancy drew games.) Hope this answer was helpful.
The Hardy Boys have games out. Also, Mata Hari is really fun! Also check out the Agatha Christie games. The come with the books!
www.herinteractive.com/ (for forums and advice as well as game updates) www.wikipedia.org/
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