Xigua is a type of watermelon. It begins with the letter x.
Tomato, tangerine, tamarind and tangelo are fruits. They begin with T.
Lemon, lime and loganberry are fruits. They begin with the letter L.
Oranges, olives and okra are fruits. They begin with the letter o.
Dates are a fruit. They begin with the letter d.
White radish and wasabi are vegetables. Watermelon is a fruit.
Xigua is a type of watermelon. It begins with the letter x.
Some fruits beginning with W:WallberryWalnutWampeeWashington applesWater appleWatermelonWax appleWax gourdWax jambuWhite aspenWhite mulberryWhite sapoteWild orangeWine berryWinter melonWitloofWolf berryWongiWood apple
Ugli fruit and uvilla are fruits. They begin with the letter u.
Tomato, tangerine, tamarind and tangelo are fruits. They begin with T.
Lemon, lime and loganberry are fruits. They begin with the letter L.
Ugli fruit and uvilla are fruits. They begin with the letter u.
Umeboshi is a Japanese food. It is pickled ume fruits that are eaten in Japan.
Oranges, olives and okra are fruits. They begin with the letter o.
Apples are fruits. Apricots are a fruit.
Wonton noodle soup is an Asian food. Water chestnut cake is an Asian food from China.