You can get it by winning contests on aqw. Sometimes they give out 1 year free membership to the contest winner. Other than that you can try to hack but i wouldn't do that. You can get an account bann. Those are the only two ways.
Yes. You do not need a membership to redeem an aqworlds gift card
See the 2 links below.
You can sign up for free in aqworlds if you have an e-mail account (which you can also get for free at hotmail, yahoo, etc.) Please don't bother searching up for free aqworlds accounts because they are either fake or unqualified.
Membership must be bought it is not normally possible to get free membership.
NO :( Very SAD.
No, you have to buy an AQW membership.
No. Support the game and buy a membership. Using trainers will result in your account being disabled.
you can not
Yes. You do not need a membership to redeem an aqworlds gift card
Greethings,No. The Only Way To Get A Free MemBre Ship On Aqworlds Is. Send Me You're Account User And Password In Email(i'm not gonna hack or banned i promise) :
you either buy a game card or another membership.
there is no such thing as unlimited membership. But you can get free member ships for a year. Just do this. Send an email to with the topic, Free Membership Send this message <Your username> <Your email> <your password> <membership> Wait about 4 days, Ta dah!! you can do this for gold rare items and adventure coins too!
it is for 19.95 3 month
just type /afk