I think they want dice but that's not really right because one of them is more properly a die.
Earplugs is actually only 1 word or you can say Ear and Plugs are compound words.
Here are three words that start with "ear": earth, early, earned.
The homonym of "ear" is "hear." Both words sound the same but have different meanings.
Most words spelled with -ear have a long E sound called a caret I, which sounds like "ear" as in fear, gear, and hear. It is also heard in words such as beer and pier. A few have the long A sound called a caret A, which sounds like "air" as in fare and fair. These are bear, pear, swear, wear, and tear (rip).
Here are two words that use the same vowel sound as "ear": 'fear' and 'near'.