

Best Answer

Some five letter words ending in H are:

  1. batch
  2. beach
  3. belch
  4. birch
  5. birth
  6. blush
  7. brash
  8. brush
  9. bunch
  10. catch
  11. coach
  12. conch
  13. couch
  14. crash
  15. crush
  16. death
  17. earth
  18. fetch
  19. fifth
  20. flash
  21. flesh
  22. flush
  23. forth
  24. fresh
  25. gnash
  26. hatch
  27. latch
  28. lunch
  29. lurch
  30. marsh
  31. match
  32. morph
  33. neath
  34. ninth
  35. north
  36. peach
  37. perch
  38. plush
  39. pooch
  40. porch
  41. reach
  42. sixth
  43. slush
  44. sooth
  45. south
  46. teach
  47. tenth
  48. tooth
  49. truth
  50. youth
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The answer is almeh.It's five letters, ending in H. An almeh is an Egyptian dancing girl.

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The answer is butch.It's five letters, ending in H. Butch refers to a male who appears very muscly.

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The answer is faugh.It's five letters, ending in H. Faugh refers to the exclamation of contempt, disgust, or abhorrence.

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The answer is crith.It's five letters, ending in H. Crith refers to the weight of a litre of hydrogen.

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The answer is blush.It's five letters, ending in H. When one is ashamed or embarrassed, their cheeks will turn red in a blush.

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One word that fits this definition is bough.

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The answer is bekah.It's five letters, ending in H. A bekah is half a shekel, which was an ancient unit of weight and currency.