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telex, Essex, FedEx, index

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Q: Five letter word ending in ex?
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What is a five letter word that ends with EX?


What Words ending in the letter ex?

Some words ending in EX are:apexcomplexduplexflexhexibexlurexsextelexvex

How do you put words in abc order if they have the same root word but one has a longer ending?

you move to the next letter and if there is none that word is first. ex)spear would come before speared

How many syllables are in the word existentialism?

There are five syllables. Ex-is-ten-tial-ism.

What is an 8 letter word that starts with ex and an a is the fifth letter?


How many syllables does exploratory have?

"Exploratory" has five syllables. The word can be divided into syllables as ex-plor-a-to-ry.

What word starts with the letters ex and is a 10 letter word?


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What is a 5 letter word starting with the letters ex?


How many syllables are in the word unexplainable?

Five Un-ex-plain-a-ble

What is a 5 letter word starting with ex and 5th letter h?

I don't think there is one

What is a 6 letter word for hobby knife starting with ex?
