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Q: First letter of a word meaning waiting in line?
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What is the first letter of a word for waiting in line?

"Q" is the first letter for "queueing", which means waiting in line or the study of waiting in line.

First letter of the word that means waiting line as a ticket counter?


First letter of word that means a waiting line?

Q (queue)

The first letter of a word which means a waiting line?

The letter is "q" The word is "queue" They are pronounced exactly the same.

What does queued mean when downloading?

Waiting. Your download is waiting in line, behind something else, that has to be downloaded first.

What is the acrostic root up?

The root "acrostic" comes from the Greek words "akros" meaning "topmost" and "stichos" meaning "line." It refers to a puzzle or poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word or message.

What type of poem is called when a name is given and each letter has a different meaning?

An acrostic poem is a type of poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message. Each letter representing a different meaning is known as the mnemonic acrostic, where each letter stands for a distinct concept related to the main word or message of the poem.

How do you spell que up?

The word "queue" means a waiting line. To queue up is to wait in line. (pronounced like the letter Q)

What is the meaning of a horizontal line above a letter in a dictionary?

The horizontal line above vowels means the letter is a long vowel.

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Meaning of semi-blocked for letter format?

The first line of each paragraph is indinted,but the rest of the heading, salutation, etc. is left justified.