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Q: Fifa 08 demo cheats for PC?
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Fifa 08 PC tricks and free kick?

free kick is a kick just free kick

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There is no demo.

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For Lego Harry Potter, there is no PC demo.

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i don't believe that there is a demo in PC only in xbox 360

Mirror's edge PC demo?

no there is not for PC but there is for ps3 and xbox360

What is the different between minecraft PC and PC demo?

The PC Demo lasts 5 in-game days (1 hour 20 mins) and the PC full version lasts forever

Where can you download mirrors edge demo for PC?

You can't yet. The demo is available on PSN and Xbox Live, but not yet on PC. Search the internet for exact date of realse of the demo.

Is FIFA 11 there in PC?

yes, it is. I have it for PC

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There is no demo on the PC

Is there a Call of Duty Black Ops PC demo?

No there was not ever a demo for the game

Can you get the l4d2 demo on Xbox free?

Not at the moment, there will be a demo on the PC, possibly not the 360

How do you do tricks like around the world rainbow rabona etc in fifa 08 PC?

You need to have a controller and then you move the right analog stick to do tricks