Munch Hunch is a character in the Dr. Seuss book "Hunches in Bunches". Holden Caulfield is a character in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
Minnie Mouse, Mickey MouseMr Magoo, Mr Macawber, Maurice (in Lord of the Flies), Professor McGonagall, Mad eye Moody...
Moronic is an insult. It begins with the letter m.
Mary Poppins is a movie character. It begins with the letter M.
A salad starting with the letter M could be a macaroni salad.
an Olympic sport starting with m is marathon
Minnie Mouse, Mickey MouseMr Magoo, Mr Macawber, Maurice (in Lord of the Flies), Professor McGonagall, Mad eye Moody...
Moronic is an insult. It begins with the letter m.
Marge and Maggie out of 'The Simpsons' begin with the letter "M"...
Mary Poppins is a movie character. It begins with the letter M.
A salad starting with the letter M could be a macaroni salad.
an Olympic sport starting with m is marathon
Marvin the Marshan, Micky Mouse, Mighty Mouse, Mini Mouse
Mickey Mouse
Moss Moon Moose Midge Mollusk
maltesers & m&ms