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You cannot get feebas in-game, it has to be traded from either ruby, sapphire or emerald. You can get feebas in R\S\E in route 119 and just like D\P\Pt there are only 6 fishing spots.

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Q: Febass in Pokemon LeafGreen
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Where do you catch a febass on Pokemon HeartGold?

you cant.

Where do you find febass in Pokemon HeartGold?

quiet cave on pokewalker

Is sea bass available for capture in Pokemon sapphire?

its called febass and yes

Can you trade Pokemon LeafGreen with Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.

Where is febass in Pokemon platinum?

It is in a certain body of water in Mt. Coronet. (Need Super Rod)

Where do you find febass in Pokemon platnium?

You can catch him on Mt. Coronet (upper) B1F with the old rod.

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Not in Pokemon leafgreen only in Pokemon Firered never ever in Pokemon leafgreen And in Pokemon firered it is rare in power plant not available in Pokemon leafgreen?

Where is Milotick on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You can't catch Milotic. Instead you have to catch a Febass and max out it's beauty and level it up. Febass can be caught either at the Quiet Cave Pokewalker route or in a lake somewhere but I forget.

Which trainer has febass on Pokemon platinum?

On route 222. If youre coming from lake valor its the third fisherman.

What level does fibass evolve in Pokemon Black and white?

In Pokemon Black and White, Febass evolves when you trade it while it is holding a prism scale.

Pokemon LeafGreen where are locations of hard to find Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen?

you should go to gamestop

What if you cant trade Pokemon from Pokemon Pearl to Pokemon LeafGreen?

HelloSorry to say but you cant trade Pokemon from pearl to leafgreen but you can migrate Pokemon from leafgreen to pearl via the pal park