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Filial Piety

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Q: Family members subordinate needs and desires to those of the male head of the family?
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What refers to the duty of members of the family to be subordinate to the male head?


Why are 3 year olds so bossy?

Selfishness is innate. It takes time for children to learn that their own desires have to fit into the social structure of the family and must accommodate the needs and desires of their other family members.

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yes he had a lot of family members. he had 20 family members

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Yes. Everybody will have fights with their family members at some point. It's part of living with people. Sometimes two people's desires clash with each other while they are sharing the same living space.

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9 members in the weasly family

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Family Assistance is the contractual obligation the army has to provide for assisting its soldiers and their family members with dependent family members.

What is the contractual obligation that thr army has to provide to assist its soldiers and their family mermbers with dependent family members?

Family Assistance is the contractual obligation the army has to provide for assisting its soldiers and their family members with dependent family members.

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What is the contractual obligations that the Army has to provide to assist it's soldiers and their family members with dependent family members?

Family assistance is the contractual obligation the army has to provide for assisting its soldiers and their family members with dependent family members.

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Stephanie rice has 8 family members in her family Stephanie rice has 8 family members in her family