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football footware footboard footbridge foothill foothold footloose footlocker footman footprint footrace footrest footsore footstool footwork

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Q: Examples of words that begin with foot?
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What are some words that begin with the letter K?

Examples of words that begin with K are:kabobkalekaleidoscopekangarookaraokekaratkaratekarmakatydidkayakkazookeelkeenkeepkeeperkeepsakekegkelpkennelkenokeptkerchiefkernelkeroseneketchketchupkettlekettledrumkeykeyboardkeyholekeypadkeystonekeywordkhaki (the color)khakis (the garment)kickkickbackkickerkickoffkidkidnapkidnapperkidnapskidneykillkillerkilljoykilnkilokilogramkilometerkilowattkiltkimchekimonokinkindkindergartenkindlykindnesskingkingdomkingskinkkipperkisskitkitchenkitekitschkittenkittykiwiklaxonknackkneadkneeknee-padkneecapkneelknewknickersknickknackknifeknightknitknobknockknockwurstknollknotknowknowledgeknownknucklekoalakrillkumquatkangaroo KeepKellyKelpkenKeyKidkinkindKindergardenkisskitkitekithKneadKneeknightknitknittingKnivesKnotknowknownknowingknowinglyknowledgekoalakingkarot

What are some Words that begin with the letter D and end with 'k'?

Examples of words that begin with 'd' and end with 'k' are:damaskdankdarkdata bankdaybreakdeadlockdebunkdeckDenmarkderrickdeskdiamondbackdipstickdisembarkdiskdockdorkdrawbackdrink, drank, drunkdrumstickdrunkduckdunkdusk

What are some examples of words to describe a person that begin with the letter Y?

· youthful · young

Words that start whith the letter U?

There are many words that begin with the letter "u" in the English language. A few examples are: umbrella, uneasy, unattainable, unattractive, unlimited, and unilateral.

Words with the letter I?

There are hundreds of words that begin with the letter l and contain the letter l. Here are some examples, like, letter, applause, apple, leave, love, lettuce, and clown.

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Some examples of words that begin with the same sound as "got" are gate, get, and good.

What are some words that begin with the letter K?

Examples of words that begin with K are:kabobkalekaleidoscopekangarookaraokekaratkaratekarmakatydidkayakkazookeelkeenkeepkeeperkeepsakekegkelpkennelkenokeptkerchiefkernelkeroseneketchketchupkettlekettledrumkeykeyboardkeyholekeypadkeystonekeywordkhaki (the color)khakis (the garment)kickkickbackkickerkickoffkidkidnapkidnapperkidnapskidneykillkillerkilljoykilnkilokilogramkilometerkilowattkiltkimchekimonokinkindkindergartenkindlykindnesskingkingdomkingskinkkipperkisskitkitchenkitekitschkittenkittykiwiklaxonknackkneadkneeknee-padkneecapkneelknewknickersknickknackknifeknightknitknobknockknockwurstknollknotknowknowledgeknownknucklekoalakrillkumquatkangaroo KeepKellyKelpkenKeyKidkinkindKindergardenkisskitkitekithKneadKneeknightknitknittingKnivesKnotknowknownknowingknowinglyknowledgekoalakingkarot

What are some tennis words that begin with the letter F?

Fault Foot fault.

What are some Words that begin with the letter D and end with 'k'?

Examples of words that begin with 'd' and end with 'k' are:damaskdankdarkdata bankdaybreakdeadlockdebunkdeckDenmarkderrickdeskdiamondbackdipstickdisembarkdiskdockdorkdrawbackdrink, drank, drunkdrumstickdrunkduckdunkdusk

Which words other than 'octagon' begin with the prefix 'octa-'?

The adjectives octagonal and octangular are examples of words that begin with the Greek and Latin prefix 'octa-'. Another example is the adjective/noun octavo. The nouns octahedron, octant, and octave are still other examples.

What words begin with a silent g?

Some examples of words that begin with a silent "g" are gnome, gnaw, and gnash.

What are some scientific words that begin with the letter U?

Units; Unguent are some examples.

What are some examples of words to describe a person that begin with the letter Y?

· youthful · young

What is unique about Spanish words that begin with al?

At least many Spanish words that begin with "al" derive from the Moors, who spoke an archaic form of Arabic. Examples: almohada. alfombra.

Words tht begin with the prefix phyto?

Examples of words that begin with the prefix "phyto" include phytoplankton, phytomedicine, and phytolith.