

Evony go to conquer a flat?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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A "flat" is an unoccupied circle of land. It is conquered in the same way a "valley" (a desert, hill, forest, lake, swamp, grassland) is conquered, by clicking on it and selecting the attack button and sending sufficient troops and an attack hero to attack it.

As to what amount is needed to win it is best to first click on the flat and select "scout" and send a few scouts to get a report of what forces are defending it. If your informatics studies level is too low, or your Beacon isn't developed to a high enough level, sometimes sending a larger number of scouts with a hero high in intellect can help. If this still doesn't work and you have a trust-able more advanced neighbor or alliance member ask them to scout it for you. This information can then be put into the Rally Point, Exercise tab on the "defense" side and it will allow you to play with various attack forces to test to see a very general idea of what kind of an attack force will be needed. It is recommended that the actual force sent exceed the attack force in this exercise by at least 15%.

Once it is successfully attacked, the troops will begin to "order out" thus the amount of food consumed will sharply increase. It will be necessary to recall the troops to avoid this high expense of food. (Click on the conquered flat and select recall or click on the Reports icon and the "Army Movement" tab and it will show them "camped", select this line in the army tab to view and recall troops from here).

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you must hav a free valley spot in your Town Hall send troops to it if you kill all of them its yours

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First of all, you have to attack the flat. The higher the level of the flat, the harder it is. The best way to win is to have a good hero(high intelligence and high attack) and a good army. You have to win the battle to conquer the flat. Once you conquer the flat, you can build a new city there, but you can only build a new city there if your title is Knight. If your title is below Knight, you can't build a new city. The higher your title is, the more cities you can own.

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A valley in Evony is a Flat, Lake, Desert, Grassland, Hill, Forest.

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No. You have to conquer it on a higher level if you want it higher.

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If you are a new player I recommend conquering a lvl 1 or 2 flat. For that you get about 1000 warriors 1 hero and 200 swordsmen to guarennte victory. ( Remember to scout the flat first ). Then you go to Map on the top right of the screen and click on a lvl 1 or 2 flat. then you click attack and enter what amount of troops you want to send then click attack again. Then wait for the reports saying if you conquered the flat or not. For scouting get 50 scouts and click scout instead of attack.

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Send troops to attack the flat and as long as you got empty space for valleys in your Townhouse, you will occupy the flat when you win the fight.

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