There are only four, both alternate spellings of two different words: "Svaraj" and "Swaraj", and then "Hadj" and "Hajj".
None in english.
Three words match:HajRajTaj
Five letter words starting with J and ending in E:judge
There are none - But there two six-letter words ending in j:SvarajSwaraj
jello jumbo jalapeno
None in english.
There are no words in the English language that begin and end with the letter j.
There is no English word that starts with you and ends with J.
The -tti ending on words in Italian is "little" in English.
Three words match:HajRajTaj
In English? In English there are very, very few words, maybe not any, that end with 'j'. Perhaps you are looking for a word in another language.
What about the "Taj" Mahal?
Five letter words starting with J and ending in E:judge
haj hajj