a paymaster keeps the money of a town of community. a paymaster keeps money of a town or community.
The duties of being a tour guide on clubpenguin are to ensure that new penguins on CP are greeted respectfully and are shown every unknown area to them for there benefit. This is the responsibilities of a proper tour guide.
Yes, it means to avoid work, duties or other responsibilities.
A tour guide must be able to answer all the questions of the customers and be able to provide insightful information on the tour. They must make sure they do not lose tour members.
moral duties of an engineer
___Parents BASIC responsibilities include :Grow up children in comfort and lavish facilities without any problemsTo educate their children highlyTo teach them moral valuesTo educate them about their culture, tradition, religion, languageTeach them manners and eticatesTeach them to have goodbehaviorand helping nature which does not create problems furtherMake them realise their responsibilities towards family, home and societyMake them aware of social problems they will face when they become independentMake them realise the evil face of societyTeach them how to maintain relationships with love, care, trust and justice.Read more:http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What are parents' responsibilities#ixzz2PUgBEhPZ
"What are the duties and responsibilities of a researcher?"
What are the duties and responsibilities of merchandiser?
What are the duties and responsibilities of merchandiser?
What are the Duties and responsibilities of Philippine sports commissioner? What are the Duties and responsibilities of Philippine sports commissioner?
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. State your understanding of your main duties and responsibilities. . State your understanding of your main duties and responsibilities.
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