witch harvest moon are u talking about lol
Harvest Moon Island Of Happiness
The Ocean is the best place to fish in Harvest Moon DS because it has the most valuable items.
The beauty box on Harvest Moon; Island of Happiness is used for storing the jewelry items and etc that you get from Charlie.
Over 30. SNES Harvest Moon Nintendo 64 Harvest Moon 64 Gameboy Color Harvest Moon GBC Harvest Moon GBC2 Harvest Moon GBC3 Playstation Harvest Moon: Back to Nature Harevst Moon for Girl (Only available in Japanese) Gameboy Advance Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town GameCube Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Playstation 2 Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition Playstation Portable Harvest Moon: Boy and Girl Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Nintendo DS Harvest Moon DS Harvest Moon DS Cute Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands Puzzle de Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon Harvest Moon: Grand Bazaar Harvest Moon: Twin Villages (Only available in Japanese) Nintendo Wii Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility Harvest Moon: Animal Parade WiiWare Harvest Moon SNES Harvest Moon: My Little Shop Rune Factory started off as a spin-off of Harvest Moon, but it has separated and become it's own series. So even though there are five Rune Factory games only the first one and maybe the second one count as official Harvest Moon games.
I don't get it....the best Harvest Moon game? The best Harvest Moon game is Harvest Moon DS/Harvest Moon DS Cute ...if that's what your asking...
Its a place where they bless cursed items/tools that you may find in the mines.
YES, duplicating Pokemon and items, going to moon etc
You can get a horse in Harvest Moon when you ship 1000 items. This also gets you a Spirit.
They are collectable cards with characters, food dishes, fish, and other items on them.
You cannot get items back after putting them into the trash can.
Ship 1000 items.
The Ocean is the best place to fish in Harvest Moon DS because it has the most valuable items.
I don't think you need to ship items to get a horse. I believe it was 7th day when you start playing Harvest Moon that you will get a horse from a guy who lives next to you
The beauty box on Harvest Moon; Island of Happiness is used for storing the jewelry items and etc that you get from Charlie.
Ok well here is a list of the harvest moon ds games I know: harvest moon sunshine islands harvest moon ds (boy) and ds cute (girl) harvest moon island of happiness harvest moon friends of mineral town i hope this helped!
You have to ship 1000 items. They can be anything including weeds.
you have to ship 1000 items in your shipping basket.
No. It does not count.